Learn how BPMN simplifies business process modeling with clear visual elements, helping organizations analyze, optimize, and improve their internal workflows.
Business process modeling and notation, or BPMN, is a process modeling technique producing easy to understand diagrams.
Business process modeling as a whole is an incredible, yet perhaps still an underutilized tool in any organization's arsenal. There are multiple techniques available to help you lay out your internal processes, get a bigger picture of how things work and relate to each other, understand where you may be lacking, and most importantly, improve for long-term success.
One modeling technique in particular that I'd like to focus on in this post is BPMN which makes use of a set of symbols and its own methodology to describe a process. Let's take a closer look at it, shall we?
BPMN stands for Business Process Modeling and Notation. Essentially, it's a visual modeling language - an artificial language used to convey information within a certain system or arrangement, which finds applications in business analysis and process workflows. It's quite widely used due to its intuitiveness and clarity, which resonate with all the business stakeholders involved.
BPMN origins date back to 2004, and it's currently being managed by OMG (Object Management Group), an international consortium of technology standards. The version 2.0 of this process modeling technique was released in 2013.
With all the bpm (business process modeling) techniques available, you may be wondering why use BPMN and whether it's actually the right choice for your organization. As is the case with any graphical representation of a business process, BPMN 2.0 introduces clarity and consistency to it, while making sure relevant business users are involved.
Among the main benefits of BPMN are its extensive notations that are easy to grasp for technical and non-technical individuals alike.
Overall, BPMN modeling provides organizations with the opportunity to clearly define and better understand their internal activities. The notations included help in closing the communication gap which may appear between process design and implementation.
BPMN aims to clearly define the roles within the business process management and have:
When aiming to improve processes within a business, you have to first get a bigger picture of how the organization operates. BPMN delivers visual representation of a business process flow which can be easily read by different stakeholders,
A process diagram developed using BPMN shows steps, also called process activities, which take place in a sequence or simultaneously, in accordance with certain business rules. Have a look at the example below.
The process mapping technique discussed here is used to create a business process diagram involving additional graphical notations. Such a presentation format is supposed to facilitate the understanding of the logic for all process participants. BPMN is useful for describing simple and complex processes alike using standardized graphic elements falling into several categories.
Each of them represents a specific aspect of a business process. It's worthy of noting that pretty much any symbols can be used in your diagrams, however, by referring to the already standardized ones you're able to collaborate with outside analysts more easily, and it saves you time since you don't have to invent your own visual language first.
With all that being said, BPMN symbols can be assigned to one of the following categories:
This group of elements represents actors and activities involved in the process and is further divided into:
As the name suggests, these are objects that connect with one another to create a business workflow. They're basic elements shaping up a process. The three subcategories here are:
The type of elements just discussed aren't isolated islands, but relate to each other to create a flow. What links them are connecting objects such as:
These are any additional pieces of information that a modeler can use to introduce an extra layer of detail to a diagram. Artifacts are comprised of:
We all get stuck in a rut from time to time. Thus, understanding their internal business procedures is crucial for organizations to thrive. One way to go about this is through process analysis which allows you to take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and assess where you need to improve.
BPMN provides an excellent standard for process modeling you can immediately apply to the procedures you have currently in place.
To wrap things up, let me remind you that in this overview of business process modeling notation you've learned about the origins and advantages of the technique, as well as acquainted in detail with all the visual elements making up BPMN-generated diagrams.
The ball is now in your court. Put the information you obtained in this post into practice to learn more about your internal operations and eventually make them more efficient.